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Suck Page 6
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Page 6
“Thank you my friend.”
I shake his hand and allow him to place kisses on each side of her sweet face since I know he prefers cock to pussy. Plus she’ll enjoy the cordial custom especially with Eduardo’s gusto fawning over her. The gorgeous smile returns to her face proving I am correct with his lavish attention that she absolutely deserves.
Allowing him to lead us through the crowd, my men fall in place next to and behind us. Screening her from view as much as possible, they keep close and coordinated following the years of vigorous training I’ve demanded of them. They know nothing else but to protect me and the people I love.
Just like I expect, Eduardo spoils us, snapping at the bartender near the owner’s table who finishes our drinks as we arrive. He laughs his genuinely tickled laugh as he offers Macy her glass, telling me that he’s up to something.
“This is called a Suck, Bang, & Blow, which I’m sure Reece appreciates me giving you the idea of what you should be doing later.”
He smirks at me when I roll my eyes from his obvious attempts to goad me and delight her from his teasing. I’m forced to smother my grin from her bubbly laughter when I catch sight of my enemy-hopefully-turned-partner watching us—studying my reaction to her to decipher how important she is to me. Unaware yet that she’s my whole fucking life now.
I draw the line at Omar touching Macy. I pull out her chair without introducing her since this is about business not pleasure. Omar scowls in evident offense, but I don’t give a damn. “You asked for this discussion so I assume you realize your previous mistake.”
His dark eyes blaze with fury, following my movements as I seat myself, but he checks himself and nods, acquiescing to my insult and my dominance. Good. Then this discussion will be even briefer than I expected. “The original offer still stands, minus twenty percent due to the delay. Next time, I recommend you be more decisive when presented with a deal as generous as mine.”
“Death would be a better option than submitting to you if I had only myself to worry about.”
The brutality of our discussion impacts my innocent angel more than I anticipated with her little gasp. Sympathy for the man pretending a victimization for her benefit when he’s almost as ruthless as I am. But not quite. No one ever is.
I switch to Spanish, protecting her from the details of our arrangement. She’s been exposed to more than I ever wanted for her and she doesn’t need to hear any more of the specifics. Or my threats. Her eyebrows lift in surprise from my fluent grasp of the language. But she remains quiet, seeming to realize that’s my preference in this situation without me even having to request her silence. The less he knows about her, the better. I refuse to provide him any opportunity to fall in love with her beyond her obvious beauty.
Instead of questioning me, her gaze quickly returns to the bodies seeming to thrash in the pulsing atmosphere. Appearing to be jolted by an electric current with the lights flashing harshly in the dim warehouse. A simple desire blooms on her face although she doesn’t make any request.
Eduardo told me once that he’d rather stick his dick in nuclear waste than a woman’s pussy. Yet his distaste for fucking women doesn’t influence his ability to appreciate their splendor and charm. I jerk my chin to him as he chides a waiter for spilling water on the tile of the perimeter of our cabana, and he hustles over, ready to do anything I ask. Always the epitome of a loyal soldier.
“Macy wants to dance.”
His face lights up while hers pales with hesitation. Once again she second guesses herself. “It’s okay angel. I trust him and you’ll have fun. I guarantee it.”
“As do I señorita.” Eduardo bows and offers his hand in an old-fashioned yet elegant request. “No one is better than me.”
His arrogance is earned and his dramatic flourish garners him an excited twitch from her. She looks one last time to me for approval and as soon as I nod he glides her off the cushion and onto the dance floor. My men crowd close, limiting the breadth of their movements but she doesn’t seem to mind. She spins from his twirl away from his body and back again before he dips her. The tips of her long hair brush the concrete for a breath before he sweeps her back up and against his chest as she laughs.
Feigning disinterest in her is difficult with her fucking glowing under the purple and green rays beaming across her glittering dress.
“So then we have an understanding Señor Diavolo?”
“Yes, and I trust that...”
Darkness suddenly engulfs the club and shocked shrieks fade out to complete silence, more deafening than the painful thudding beat just a second ago. Totally black until cell phones start lighting up in a disorienting glow swiping through the foggy air.
A roar explodes from my chest in the quiet when a blue tinged ray sweeps across my angel revealing a bastard’s hand around her mouth and the tip of a black Glock shoved into the side of her head with my ally crumpled at her feet, his white suite now drenched with blood.
Genuinely devastated by the loss, I can’t think about him now and my attention returns to Macy. Our eyes meet and all I know is her panic. And, that the motherfucker holding her is a dead man. I whip out my weapon and fire a round into Omar’s forehead, who’s now on his feet, before I aim for the asshole who has Macy. He receives a slug to the face too. No time to enjoy any torture for their attempt to kidnap her. Not with Macy hitting the floor too and the stampede starting from my massacre.
I race to her, huddled down on the sticky marble on her hands and knees. Too shocked to move, she’s as still as a statue before I haul her up. I control her in her fear and wrap her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. “Don’t let go and don’t look up.”
Emergency generators finally kick in, and dim light floods from the edges of the huge room. Casting eerie shadows on the already distorted faces of the fleeing crowd, the white beams diffuse a morbidly stark effect compared to the rainbow from before. Finally fully realizing the danger, Macy clutches me with all her strength. Thank fuck she’s practically as small as a kid, and I’m her giant savior.
After bending to grab the second weapon strapped to my ankle, I stride forward. With a gun in each hand, I shoot at every man heading my direction uncaring any longer if they are friend or foe as I push our way through the mass with her clinging to me like a second skin.
Fire burns through my bicep as a bullet hits me. Motherfucker that shit hurts. But the pain’s got nothing on my real worry. “Are you hit Macy?”
Nothing. I would assume she would cry out or scream but terror may have stolen her ability to react. “Damn it, angel. Fucking answer me. Were you shot?”
Her forehead rubs across my chest in denial of my question. Thank fuck.
Ryker’s shoulder brushes mine. Finding me in the chaos, he directs the team to circle around us, ensuring some face the other direction so we have coverage on all sides. We cut through the back bar and kitchen, ignoring the scurrying workers who’ve determined I’m the enemy if they interfere with our escape, and hightail our asses up the steps to the roof, where Felix already has the blades rotating.
My army fans across the concrete, ready to fire on anyone still in pursuit, yet my focus remains on Macy. She keeps a fierce grip on me even after I climb into the helicopter and Ryker slams the door behind us. It’s a tight fit with her straddling my lap but I won’t complain. She’s safe and we’re taking off, leaving the ambush behind.
I stroke her hair, hoping to soothe her but she continues to tremble. “It’s okay. You’re safe. You know I would never let anyone hurt you. I’d never let those bastards take you. I’d die before I let that happen.”
I feel the vibration of her voice more than I hear the words with the whipping of the rotors and yank off the headset I just slid on, tipping my head down to her. “Tell me again angel. I couldn’t hear you.”
A deep, shuddering breath blows in my ear before her lips press against the hot skin.
“I know you would and that’s what scares me the most.”
Nothing I can do to reassure her when it’s my dedication and commitment to her that generates her fear. Ryker’s voice comes through the earpiece, confirming our guys got out safe and are headed to my compound with Eduardo’s body. I’m not a religious man but still ask his god for blessings upon him. Grateful I have Macy to hold onto in my fury. I will ensure a proper burial and take care of his mother and sister as my duty and respect for his devotion.
“How’s your arm? Do you think the bullet passed through?”
His question is what finally forces her to lift up from my chest. Convulsing with panic, her fumbling hands grab my jacket, attempting to draw my bloody sleeve down so she can inspect the damage.
Fuck. Neither of us are used to having her feelings to consider or realize how frightened she would be from the realities of my world. I clutch her desperate fingers in their urgency to examine me. “Stop Macy. I’m okay. We’ll check it when we get there. I promise.”
I’m not sure if she can understand my assurances but she at least stills. Never tearing her eyes from the rip in the fabric, the torn material emphasizing the shot meant for her.
Any lingering doubts about him scatter like leaves in the breeze when I see his blood smeared across the sequins of the once beautiful dress he bought for me. When I know how close I come to losing him. When I realize how he sacrificed himself to protect me.
All along I swore to myself it was just for fun. That it was just one week. That it didn’t mean anything. That I would go back to reality after the seven days.
If that was really true then my heart wouldn’t hurt so much. I swallow down the lump in my throat. Again and again despite the burning. Stifling the sob bubbling to escape. Hating that I’m terrified and weepy, I swipe at the tears threatening my cheeks. I’m just emotional because of the attack and of seeing poor Eduardo die and of Reece getting shot to save me.
Right or wrong, I love him and can’t let him go. I don’t know what I’ll do if have to. My arms wrap around myself again from the horrifying thought.
He seemed fine at first despite his wound. Still so strong and protective as we flew through the air. Hiding the fact that the bullet ripped not only through his arm but stayed lodged in his torso. But after an hour his body shook and sweat streamed down his temples, his flushed face hot with the agony. Although he would never admit to any pain or his body going into shock. Just kept caressing me and whispering reassurances deviating between English and his native Italian the closer we got to his home and he slipped into unconsciousness.
My lips quiver and I curl them together. I refuse to cry. At least not here. Because damn it, when they come for me, I’m going to be so brave. More than I ever have before. Be the woman he sees rather than the wimp I’ve been before I met him.
But they’ve been in there for so long. The doctor not even speaking to me in his haste to care for his patient, he uttered directions in Spanish that sounded so worried and frantic as Ryker rushed him into the bedroom and slammed the door behind them.
Now I’m left sitting in the hallway with his housekeeper fretting over me. Trying to distract me with food I can’t eat and drinks I can’t swallow. All I want is my devil. I really want to be his queen. His angel. His everything.
The click of the knob echoes off the bare walls and seemingly endless ceramic tile covering the first level of the enormous house. I’m shaking so hard I can barely stand up, especially when Ryker strides out twisting his head. The ache in my chest is almost unbearable from the anxiety lining his exhausted face. Please don’t let it be bad news. Finally he glances toward me as if realizing I’m there.
“Doc’s done, and boss is asking for you.”
“Get her in here. Now!”
Ryker rolls his eyes from Reece’s bellow, slurred yet thundering and furious enough to convey his impatience. I squeeze the bodyguard’s tattooed fingers in gratitude and murmur my thanks before running on quivering legs into the darkened room.
Unable to go any further from the sight in front of me, I cover my mouth to keep the sob from slipping out my mouth. Reece looks so broken propped up against the headboard with the red and black streaks smeared across his chest. The thick bandage wrapped around his enormous bicep covers the intricate image inked into his skin. Yet his heavy eyes and groggy expression convey his true condition. Painkillers steal his normal commanding authority as his hand slowly lifts and beckons me to him.
Even though I should leave him alone, allow him time to rest and recover, I can’t stop myself and run to him, scrambling onto his lap just like he demands of me. Straddling him as I cuddle into his good side and tuck my head under his jaw. Hopeful that hugging him is enough to let him know I’m here and I love him.
Cuddling isn’t enough for him apparently when his hands massage down my back and under my dress, cupping my butt in his palms. Despite his condition, he hardens against my panties and his fingertips dip under the lace. “Reece, no. We shouldn’t.”
His familiar growl rumbles against my skin. “I thought I was going to lose you, angel. So if I want to fuck you, I’m going to.”
A weird noise, somewhere between a laugh and a cry with his crazy assertion, vibrates in my throat. “I thought I was going to lose you!”
“Then you should be fucking me.”
With his accent more prominent from the medication affecting his speech, somehow he’s even sexier than normal. I don’t protest when he tugs the fabric covering my most sensitive part out of the way and strokes me. Wrong but so right and I ride his hand until I’m soaked with need.
“Take me out so I can put my baby in you.”
Without an ounce of hesitation despite the guilt in my conscience, I unbuckle his belt and tug down his zipper, welcoming his hiss when I wrap my hand around him. Needing to show him how much he means to me, how much I want him. “We’ve made love four times without a condom. I think it might have already happened.”
“I fucking hope so but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to keep trying.”
“Me too.”
I’m fucking higher than the heavens from the oxy doc pumped into me, but I still float farther than God himself from her whispered yet resolute agreement. My angel wants to have my baby. Although I’m fucking struggling to keep my eyes from sinking shut with the meds swimming in my veins and her fingers stroking on my cock.
I’m out of my head but got mind enough to make sure she’s wet because I’ll never hurt the woman who makes me feel this fucking good. Her ragged moan welcomes my fingers in her pussy and more arousal drenches my skin as I work my way in. Slowly gliding deeper and deeper to find her trigger spot. I know I’ve hit her where she needs me to touch her most when her hips buck forward and her dripping heaven draws me all the way in. Now I need it to be my dick.
Unable to do it myself, I let her take over. I have to. I can’t even speak any longer despite how much my cock knows what he wants, and what he fucking wants is her riding us. Which she does, so damn beautifully. Her luscious body hovers over mine before she slowly slides up and down my dick. My face nuzzles between her bouncy tits, wishing I could taste those pink nipples, that I could lavish her clit, that I could tell her how fucking loved she is.
The sequins on her dress scratch the hell out of my blazing skin while she clenches tighter and tighter around my cock and my heart. Her hoarse voice blows in my ear, telling me how much she loves me, how scared she was, how she’s going to take care of me tonight and always. Sweet, earnest promises that push me beyond reason, and I give in to the darkness sucking me under while I’m still coming to her screaming out my name.
She walks down the aisle alone, giving herself away. I’m so fucking proud I can barely stand my gratification. All I ever wanted is for her to choose me and she has, in all her glorious independence.
And fuck if she’s not magnificent. Her baby bump is small. My ring on her finger is huge. Our future is nothing less than spectacular.
Especially when I grin back at her. Her demure ca
dence explodes into a run from my obvious admiration, and she launches herself into my arms once she reaches me. Gasps wheeze from the fifty or so people in the pews from her startling response to my smile, but I really don’t give a damn. I fucked up her last wedding to my benefit, and if this one is just as crazy I don’t care. As long as at the end she’s my wife.
The priest clears his throat and nods hesitantly, wiping his hand across his wrinkled forehead. Trying to regain some semblance of control. Which we all know is impossible for me when it comes to her. Without giving her anything but my complete approval, I let her slide down my body and grasp her warm hands. Holding tight as the minister progresses through the ceremony, until we get to the vows.
I quickly repeat everything the pastor says, and when it’s her turn, she tugs away from my grip. Accepting a paper from Savannah who gives her best friend a genuine smile. For as much as the matron of honor fears me, she’s happy Macy is finally marrying the man she genuinely loves and who fucking genuinely loves her back.
My angel takes a deep breath and begins to read from the pink sheet. Adorable as her voice wobbles explaining how I make her feel strong and brave and most importantly, not only allow her but encourage her to be her true self. Now Macy The Mouse is going to be Mrs. Diavolo The Decisive, just like her husband.
When she looks up at me with shining eyes, so vulnerable and raw, seeking my reaction, all I can do is engulf her this time. Lifting her up again so she’s in my arms and sheathed to my body the way she belongs. “Call it Father.”
He blinks rapidly in confusion and horror with me practically fucking her on the altar. Furious at his delay, I bare my teeth at him. “Pronounce us married.”
“Of…of c-course. By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
Too late, I already am. My lips on hers as I carry her out the side door because I can’t wait any longer than those few steps to be inside my angel again.