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Music fills the air again, less joyous this time, and the pastor waves to the groomsmen, directing them to reverse the process. Traipse back down the aisle accompanied by the shocked bridesmaids, attempting to lead the astonished congregation out of the church. Shock finally subsides and the guests hesitantly depart, gradually rising and following the couples out to the vestibule. Knowing the right thing to do in the situation but slow to act. Unable to move quickly while gossiping and hypothesizing and conjecturing.
While I, on the other hand, take my role as Mims date very seriously and remain glued to her side. While watching my magnificent bride nod earnestly as the reverend continues to counsel and console her. Although from the expression on her lovely face, I doubt she needs either. No shame or fear or doubt. Just wonderful relief. Confirming that not only did I do a selfish thing, my interference is the right thing. A rarity that others benefit from my greediness. But I’m happy for my girl to be the recipient of this generosity. I’ll be even happier when she shows me later how grateful she is for my altruism.
A standing ovation.
Macy earns the well-deserved accolade as she walks into the reception. Arm in arm with one of the bridesmaids although I don’t think she really needs the support. Pink flushes her glowing face while her lithe body still trembles. Yet she holds her head up high. Almost defiant. Definitely glorious.
I clap too. Not because she stands tall after the shame she suffered, at least seemingly to the guests. But because she’s finally here. The last forty minutes have been fucking torture without her. At least the wait gave me time to learn everything my guys could find out about the twenty-one-year-old fitness instructor working on her degree in physical therapy. Except why in the hell an incredible woman like her would marry a loser like Antonio.
But I’ll find that out later. Right now I want her. I’ve waited too long to see her. Too long to talk to her. And hell, too damn long to touch her.
The girls wind their way through the tables and across the dance floor, making their way up to the band who plays Girl on Fire in her honor. Chords fade away as she smiles at the lead singer and accepts the microphone he offers. She blows out a deep breath, garnering her some appreciative laughs and shouts of encouragement. Which seems to bolster her confidence as she rolls back her narrow shoulders.
“Hi everyone.” She gives a half wave with her graceful hand that I’m already imagining curled around my headboard. “This night didn’t go exactly as I planned. But I guess that’s what life is all about. I’m not sure where I go from here. But I’ll worry about that tomorrow. Tonight I want to enjoy this opportunity to spend time with the people I love and who I’m blessed to have love me.”
Her soft voice cracks but she smiles from her friend’s arm winding around her shoulders and faces the crowd again. “Now can someone please get me a drink?”
Fucking marvelous. Her resiliency and humor earn her another boisterous round of applause and a double thumbs up from the performer as he takes back the mic and the inspiring notes of Firework fill the ballroom.
Surrounded by a small crowd, she nods and hugs and grins some more. Accepting a topped off flute of champagne as well as their admiration and sympathy and praise. Until finally they all drift off. Singles and couples, heading to the bar or buffet. More worried about their bellies and their beers than her, now that’s she proven her tenacity. Except for the red-haired best friend, who guards her with a loyalty I respect. Especially when I step closer and the young woman’s hold tightens. “May I have this dance?”
Macy slowly looks up to me. Straining between our height differences, she leans her head back as far as her delicate neck allows. Filling my head with images of her on her knees staring up at me in adoration and lust.
Pointing to the empty space around us, she shakes her head. “But…no one’s dancing.”
My cock jumps again from her confused whisper. “Then we’ll be first.”
“Mr. Diavolo, I don’t think…”
Good. She knows who I am and is sufficiently scared. But she’ll soon learn she needn’t be because I’ll never do anything to her but please her. I slide the empty glass out of her fingers and hand it to her friend who seems just as hypnotized. “Call me Reece, beautiful.”
My attempt to be charming fails. The racing pulse in her throat pauses as she swallows hard, then frowns, then smiles. Emotions all over the place in her fear. “Reece, I’m not sure–”
“I’m always sure….” I shut her down. Already hearing the protest in her cautious tone that I don’t like and refuse to allow. “…that you should never tell me no.”
Unwilling to give her another opportunity to resist, I slide one hand around her tiny waist and the other entwines her fingers, curling them against my chest. Proper and respectful except for my dick lifting in greeting to welcome her sweet body pressed against mine. She’s even more striking up close and in my arms. Despite how stiff and hesitant she remains.
Nodding to the band leader who’s been watching as well, I confirm what I want from him. He understands and raises his hand to the men behind him. The first deep notes from the bassist fill the huge space with a standard that keeps us respectable in our touch despite the attention we’ve drawn from the guests again. Although I don’t give a damn what they think, I don’t want her to worry. So I distract her. “You seem to be holding up okay.”
“Game face, right?” She gives me an uneven smile that probably has more meaning behind the grin than I know yet. “Have to be brave tonight and then tomorrow I can break down.”
I tip my head closer to hers and whisper against her temple. Low enough so no one else can hear yet obvious enough to make them wonder. I don’t have to wonder at all my impact on her as she shivers from my lips against her soft skin. “Are you really going to break down? Or are you relieved?”
Yeah, I’m too damn bold for my own good. But I hate small talk almost as much as I hate lying. No reason not to be anything but candid with each other.
“I…” Her gaze falls from mine. Staring at the lapels of my jacket. “This isn’t…”
“No worries Macy. Your secret is safe with me. I swear I won’t ever tell anyone that you’re happy not to be marrying that stupid bastard.”
She jolts against me, reviving my cock, and looks around. Concerned someone might have overheard my assertion. Or worse yet that she didn’t deny my allegation. Sure people are staring at us but I know they can’t hear. I’d never fucking jeopardize her reputation like that. I only receive a nod in return.
I want to ask her why. To understand what the hell she was thinking. Yet I know it’s too soon. If I push too hard, I’ll lose her and while I enjoy a good chase, I don’t think she’s up for that after what she’s endured this evening. “Do you want me to take you out of here?”
Scanning the tables again, her gaze lingers on her parents who argue in muted tones. Almost as bewildered as she is. Certainly the only ones upset except for Antonio’s parents who’ve also disappeared in attempt to find their missing child. They’re worried when really they should be grateful they don’t have to put up with that worthless punk any more.
“I shouldn’t...”
“Fuck what you should or shouldn’t. Do what you want. And if that’s getting the hell out of here, then let’s go.”
An emotion I don’t understand yet flashes in her enormous green eyes before she slowly nods. “Yes please. I…I’d like that.”
“Angel, the pleasure’s all mine.”
I tuck her tightly against me and whisk her out of the ballroom. Past the numerous tables holding tall silver vases with huge bouquets of white flowers. Past the gawking guests who’re curious as to why we’re racing off. Past her wide-eyed father and gasping mother who reaches out as if to stop her when we step off the dance floor onto the carpet.
Macy ignores her too which surprises and impresses me. Not that I’d allow the woman to keep me from her daughter, but I like that Macy chooses me over her mom. From the way
Mrs. Shaw has behaved thus far, I can see why my girl would prefer a man like me. Because I really will protect her.
The only person with enough influence to halt our departure is her friend. Who breaks away from chatting with some other bridesmaids and chases after us.
“Wait! Where are you going?”
Macy’s head lifts and uncertain emerald eyes meet mine. Almost as if asking me what we’re doing. Still too soon to tell her that I’m claiming her and making her mine so I just wink. Act nonchalant and amused that I’m literally stealing her away from everyone even though she doesn’t know it yet. “We’re just getting a drink.”
Doubt and worry spin on the ginger’s face as she glances from Macy, to me, and then to Macy again. Jerking her thumb over her shoulder, her face pinches with panic. “But the bar’s back there.”
“But the view is better out here.”
Now I’ve really perplexed her since we’re standing in an empty entryway. Without a bottle or bartender in sight and all of the floor-to-ceiling windows reflecting the lake are found in the room we just left. She shakes her head, ignoring my puzzling explanation, and shifts her attention to her friend. “Don’t leave.”
Despite her pleading tone, I know the most important aspect she’s omitting—don’t leave with him. No one could blame Macy for splitting after her supposed humiliation. But running off with me is a horrible answer. At least to this girl.
My cock jerks again when Macy curls into me, her palm on my stomach. Almost as if ensuring I don’t release her, which will never fucking happen.
“I don’t want to be here anymore.”
“Then come with me. Back to my house or anywhere you want to go.”
She tugs Macy’s arm attempting to pull her out of my clutches. Yet Macy resists just as much as my hold tightens.
“I’ll get Trey. He’ll drive us.”
Macy shakes her head. “I don’t want to face him. I don’t want to face anyone. Please understand. I just want to go.”
Her friend’s fingers slide away and hurt draws down her expression. “I’m not just anyone.”
“I know but I…”
Macy can’t seem to explain something I guess she doesn’t understand herself.
“I’ll call you later, okay?”
An irritated shrug answers her back. “I guess so. I don’t know what you’re doing.”
The disapproval lining her face proves she really does know what Macy’s doing and doesn’t like it. Smart enough not to insult me with me standing right here. My reputation hampers the frustration and concern she’s too afraid to voice. So I answer her questions for her. “I’ll take good care of her. You don’t have to worry.”
She doesn’t seem reassured if the intensity of her gaze boring into Macy is any indication. Attempting to send a silent, urgent message without any words. Yet Macy is oblivious, or at least pretends to be, and keeps her eyes down. And, her hand on me which makes me happy.
“Fine. I guess I’ll talk to you tomorrow then.”
Genuine pain saturates her words, and she spins around. The hem of her long bluish-purple dress flipping from her abrupt turn as she stomps back to the two girls and guy hovering in the doorway. Caring enough to watch but not enough to intervene. No wonder Macy got mixed up with Antonio with friends like them. Good riddance.
She stalls when I take a step, and I have to tap down the asshole in me to jerk her along. This situation requires finesse when I’m usually just a demand and kill kind of man. “Don’t let it bother you. She’ll buff out.”
“Savannah’s my best friend. I didn’t mean to hurt her. I just…”
Her head drops even lower. I take advantage of her guilty distraction and hustle her along, ignoring the other hotel guests along our path who pause to stare at her. Smiling at us like we’re the happy couple celebrating our new marriage. Soon we will be.
Outside, the steamy air still weighs heavy this late in the day and I guide her to my SUV waiting under the broad black awning and protected by my guys. Without a word of protest or defiance, she slips into the passenger seat and straps on her seat belt. No questions or comments. Perfect that her defenses are down because I’m going to be the man who builds her back up again.
Ryker strides next to me as I walk to the driver’s side. Updating me about grandmother since he knows I won’t want to be disturbed for the rest of the evening unless a true emergency occurs.
“Mims is finishing her dinner, and then I’ll have Tennyson and Kleiman drive her home.”
I never take my gaze off of Macy while we move. “Make sure one of the housekeepers is there before the guys leave.”
“Already confirmed. Claudia’s brewing her favorite tea and preparing to settle her in for the night.”
Thank fuck. Now I can give my full attention to my girl, who watches us and then just me once I climb inside. Before she has the chance to ask anything about Ryker or back out of her willingness to accompany me, I clutch her small hand and hit the accelerator. “Had to make sure my grandmother gets home safely. She’s feisty but still needs to be looked after.”
My dedication earns me an approving smile. I’m a bastard about a lot of shit, but I take care of family. At least those who deserve my affection. But I guess I took care of Antonio too, albeit in a different way.
With her a little more relaxed, I dive into one of the two questions I need to know. “Why’d you chose me over your friend?”
Jerking back against the seat from shock, she lets out a surprised laugh. “Wow! You’re direct, aren’t you?”
She seems to mull that over. Staring out the window as we drive to my house. Ironic that she has no clue where I’m taking her except that she wants me to.
“Savannah knows the truth and–”
Shame floods her tone, and I can’t stand her embarrassment over that moron. “What’s the truth?”
Her focus remains on the glass which I normally don’t allow. Demanding full attention from whomever I converse with, but I let the slight slide after the night she’s had. I also fight to keep my mouth shut because I don’t like to be kept waiting. But I know the story will come out. She just needs to let go at her own pace and in her own way because despite how flustered she is, she knows who I am and that no one denies me. After three blocks, her shoulders finally droop and she sighs.
“I’m payment for a debt my father owed Antonio. That’s why I was forced to marry him.”
Fucking motherfucker. I should’ve killed my cousin my damn self.
“She’d try to make me feel better that he decided not to go through with it. She’d say that I should be happy even though I’m humiliated.”
I fucking hate that she thinks he dumped her. Now I have to lie which I despise but can’t avoid. Her admission is what I need to focus on rather than his murder. “No reason for you to be humiliated. His complete loss. He never deserved you and never should’ve blackmailed you into marrying him.”
Her nod lacks the enthusiasm I expect. Of course, she has to know she’s better off. Until I realize the reason behind her pain. She was just a damn pawn. Her father is the one being blackmailed and who I should have killed. “Your Dad’s a piece of shit for agreeing to this.”
“He didn’t have any choice.” Defeat rather than anger strains her words. “Antonio would’ve made him pay some other way.”
Obviously, she loves him or she wouldn’t have sacrificed herself. Otherwise I’d send Ryker to take care of him too. I can’t take the chance. Can’t risk losing her from slaughtering him although he deserves so much more. I’m even going to forgive his debt to release all of her doubts. “Antonio won’t do jack shit.”
“How can you be so sure? What if he comes back? What if he makes me keep my promise?”
Now her voice shakes with fear along with her body. Fuck that. I steer the car over to the side of the busy road, ignoring the furious honks from my impromptu stop, so I can stare at her for as long as it takes for her to u
nderstand she’s under my protection now and she doesn’t have to worry about him or anybody else ever again.
My finger slides under her tucked chin, lifting up her face and turning her to look at me, exactly the way my queen should. “No one’s ever going to make you do anything you don’t want to do. I won’t allow it.”
Gorgeous lips part, and I stroke the smooth skin with the pad of my thumb. She instantly blushes and her breath hitches, which is so much better than any argument to the contrary. I receive a tentative smile in response to mine, and as much as I don’t want to, I release her. Touching her at home will be so much better than here. My fingers will be so many more places than just her seductive mouth. “Ready?”
I nod toward the windshield, but we both know I mean way more than driving.
Not quite as confident as I would hope, but at least agreement. My scrutiny must be too much, and she drops her gaze to her hands in her lap. Smoothing down the silky fabric until she stills. Suddenly jolting and yanking the cheap diamond off her finger. Trash. My rock for her will be huge and stunning and perfect. Uncertain what to do she looks up at me with the band clenched in her indignant fist.
“Give it to me.”
Uncertain if she can understand my request through my growl, I hold out my hand. Attempting to be patient while she deliberates what we both know is the answer. Frowning and stewing for a minute until she slowly places the ring in my palm. Yanking her hand away as if glad to be rid of the jewelry but worried she’s not free of the shackles the stone symbolizes.
Me on the other hand, I have absolutely zero qualms about where the garbage belongs. Pushing the button, I wait the three seconds necessary for the window to slide down and hurl the trinket toward the trash can on the corner. Indifferent if the junk lands inside the bin or not.
After pulling back into traffic, I grab her hand again. Making sure she knows how much I fucking love touching her. Fuck me if she doesn’t wrap her other hand around mine. Cocooning my thick fingers between her dainty ones. Confirming, despite any lingering doubt, that being with me is exactly where she wants to be.